Page 23 - RFC Rhine-Alpine_Annual Report 2016
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CORRIDOR RHINE-ALPINE – Annual Report 2016 Investments
Figure 10: NBS Rhine/Main–Rhine/Neckar
open dialogue with the citizens of the region. From the outset, the public is involved in the planning process and constantly informed about the current project events. Within the scope of a participation forum, all citizens and institutions affected by the new construction are included and listened to. For an in-depth study of topics that cannot be discussed in detail in the participation forum, working groups provide the necessary space.
In September 2016, a public hearing took place with over 400 interested parties. The constituent meeting of the participation forum was held in December 2016. The approximately 80 participants consisted, among others, of the participating municipalities, counties, citizens’ initia- tives, associations, members of the Bundestag and state parliaments.
In 2017 the working groups will start their work.
ETCS project “Corridor A”
In 2016 the preliminary design was completed for the main route (double track equipment) and for the defined addi- tional lines (29 preliminary design books in total containing ETCS track equipment and interlockings). Detailed design has been started in all regions and will be conducted based on priorities determined by commissioning and implemen- tation requirements. ETCS L1 LS pilot projects have been defined, aiming to intensify competition and to speed up the Industry Approval Process. The detailed design for these pilot projects has been completed and construction works started in April 2017. Start of operation for the pilot pro- jects is scheduled for December 2017
In 2017 the project work will focus on finalizing the detailed design and on developing strategies for awarding, construc- tion and commissioning. The year for the overall start of operation for ETCS is 2022.
Node Basel: Weil a. Rh. (state border)–Basel Bad Bhf. (border DB Netz/SBB)
In 2016 the detailed design was completed. Cable laying activities have previously started and the planning approval procedure in Switzerland was initiated in late 2016. The actual programme for Node Basel is on schedule for the start of operation in December 2017.
Linking with the existing route Mainz–Darmstadt (Weiterstädter Kurve);
Connecting link Wiesbaden with high-speed line Cologne–Rhine/Main (Wallauer Spange);
Improvement of the connection to Darmstadt;
Second track Mannheim Käfertal–Mannheim marshalling yard;
Construction of a two-track new line (NBS) Molzau–Graben-Neudorf–Karlsruhe.
ETCS in Germany
The Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan was approved by the Federal Cabinet in August 2016. Subsequently, in December 2016, the Bundestag and Federal Council decision on the Bundesschienenwegeausbaugesetz was adopted.
The participation of the public in the planning process also began. It is anticipated to focus on transparency and an

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