

Corridor Information Document along with C-OSS successfully launched

On November 10 the Rail Freight Corridor 1 launched its operation respecting the timeframe determined in the Regulation 913/2010/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council. The European Union designated 9 international rail freight corridors, the so called ”RFC”-corridors in the EU rail network of which 6 corridors with the establishment deadline of 10th November 2013. Rail Freight Corridor 1 (Rotterdam/Zeebrugge–Antwerp–Duisburg–Basel–Milan–Genoa) is the most important European axis for rail freight transport. It links the Dutch and Belgian seaports with the Mediterranean, and runs through the heart of the EU with its most significant conurbations and industrialised areas. This North-South axis serves economically strong urban centres such as Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Zeebrugge, Ghent, Duisburg, Cologne, Mannheim, Basel, Zurich, Milan and Genoa. All these centres are connected by the Corridor as it cuts through the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Its outstanding geographical position and the fact that this Corridor is one of the first to be implemented at European level makes Corridor 1 the key initiative for international rail freight transport on the European market. Corridor 1 is connected with Corridor 2 in Rotterdam, Antwerp and Basel as well as with Corridor 6 in Milan. Connection with Corridor 8 will follow in 2015.

A well-developed railway network is the basis for attaining environmental policy goals: A high proportion of rail transport reduces the burden on the environment by significantly lowering emissions and the use of fossil fuels. Reducing environmental burdens by shifting freight transport from road to rail also means stepping up efforts in traffic noise reduction.

Within the framework of the freight corridor, good coordination between the Member States and the Infrastructure Managers concerned should be ensured, a priority shall be given to the so called “corridor trains” based on guaranteeing the consistency and continuity of the infrastructure capacities available along the whole corridor. Infrastructure Managers of the freight corridors shall jointly define and organise international pre-arranged train paths for freight trains, where they shall facilitate smooth transit along the corridor, adequate journey times, frequencies and they shall remove bottlenecks along the corridor too. In order to fulfil the requirements and expectations described in the regulation, the participating railway companies of RFC 1 implemented a number of measures to be able to run the corridor by the specified deadline.

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