Reserve Capacity on RFC Rhine-Alpine TT2019
The C-OSS would like to invite you to have a look at our product in international freight traffic on RFC Rhine-Alpine: the flexible concept for Reserve Capacity (RC).
In addition to fixed pre-arranged paths for the annual timetable, the C-OSS also offers reserve capacity according to Art. 14.5. EU Regulation 913/2010 in a flexible manner.
For the rest of 2018 and the whole of timetable 2019 you can start ordering reserve capacity on a daily basis on our corridor.
This offer on reserve capacity consists on capacity slots that are still available for international freight trains per calendar day and corridor segment within indicated standard running times.
International path requests in reserve capacity directed to the C-OSS until 30 days before the first day of operation will receive one international path offer via the C-OSS.
For booking these train paths, please use the “matrix dossiers” listed in PCS and insert your individually required departure and/or arrival times in the comments’ box of the PCS dossier.
The Corridor OSS will then provide you with an internationally harmonized path offer until 10 days before the first running day at the latest.
Further details on this product and a detailed description / PCS manual for the booking process can be found on our website and in the Corridor Information Document - Book IV.
With this flexible capacity product we hope to deliver a useful service to your individual short-term traffic needs.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the C-OSS directly.
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