
Publication of Path Catalogue for PaP Timetable 2019

Dear Sir and/or Madam,

I would like to invite you to take a look at our offer, which I have published today in the Pre-arranged Path (PaP) catalogue for the timetable 2019; individual PaPs are published in PCS Next Generation under the following link:

You can also download the path catalogue from our download section as well as all relevant information about booking and allocation conditions at the Corridor Information Document (CID) book IV (also available in our Customer Information Platform (CIP)).

For timetable 2019, there is some news I would like to share with you.

  • A new PaP-concept has been jointly worked out with all Infrastructure Managers to better suit your needs according to your last year’s input,
  • Introducing new operational points in Germany, from which you can easily start/finish your international PaP and complete it with a Feeder or/and Out-flow

If you need support or have further questions, please feel free to contact me anytime in order to coordinate an appointment. I will be more than glad to visit at your premises.

Your path requests for Timetable 2019 shall be submitted until 9 April 2018 by using PCS as the unique booking tool for PaPs. The C-OSS will decide on the pre-booking of the complete international request in one operation based on the priority rule, which has been adopted by the Ministries of Transport along the Rail Freight Corridor.

To support your traffic planning you will receive preliminary information on the result of the pre-booking decision on 23 April. The draft / final timetable offer (incl. feeder/outflow paths) will be communicated by the C-OSS on 2 July respectively on 20 August via PCS. In this respect the C-OSS acts on behalf of the concerned infrastructure managers so that the path contract will be concluded with the individual infrastructure managers.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any questions you might have.

Yours sincerely
Martin Ruíz – COSS Manager

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