
Update of NSA “Guideline for CCS authorisation on ERTMS corridors” released

The working group of the National Safety Authorities (NSAs) of RFC1 and RFC3 completed an update of the Guideline with recommendations for a harmonised approach regarding the authorisation of on-board control command subsystems (CCS) as a part of the vehicle authorisation.

A harmonised authorisation process shall help to reduce the complexity of the authorisation process for the applicants.

The Guideline is written from the viewpoint of ERTMS corridors, but can of course generally be used for international vehicle authorisation.

A basic approach is the check of technical compatibility between a specific on-board and a specific network (TTSV, chapter 7), and the reduction of tests during this process (Annex II).

The document does not only help NSAs, but also provides recommendations on how infrastructure managers can support the described approach (Annex IV).

Open points are also mentioned, which in general need to be solved by the sector in order to further simplify the process for authorisation for placing into service for vehicles (Annex III).

The European Agency for Railways has acknowledged that the Guideline version 2.0 is in line with the TSI CCS, endorsed the general approach and recognised the added value of NSAs experience with ERTMS authorisation.

The new version of the Guideline for can be found under “Downloads/ERTMS”.

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